Freemind os x
Freemind os x

freemind os x

FreeMind on monipuolinen ohjelma, jolla voi tehdä monipuolisia käsitekarttoja. Käsitekartoilla tarkoitetaan käsitteistöjen ja aihepiirien graafisia esityksiä kaavioina. Max OS X and Linux is technically tricky, requiring. OSX Lataa ilmaiseksi Ohjelman kuvaus Tiedot Kaikki versiot Arvostelut FreeMind on ilmainen ohjelma käsitekarttojen (mind map) luomiseen. Christoph Rissner describes in his article () at IICM site () his implementation () of data exchange between FreeMind and MindManager. FreeMind supports having one hyperlink per node, linking to web pages, mail addresses, and to local files. If you have a lot of maps created by FreeMind and you want to switch to another program, writing a conversion program should be easy, especially if that program features Visual Basic scripting facility.

  • Low costs of risk of switching away to another mind mapping tool, because FreeMind stores maps in XML format.
  • Possibility to decorate nodes with built-in icons, colors and different fonts.
  • Possibility to use and edit long multiline nodes even with newlines.
  • Find facility, where found items are shown one by one as you do "find next", and the map is unfolded only for the current item.
  • Export of map to HTML, with folding (see example ()).
  • Smart copying and pasting from, including plain text and RTF (MS Wordpad, MS Word, MS Outlook messages).
  • Smart copying and pasting into, including pasting of links from HTML or structuring the pasted content on the basis of the number of leading spaces in a line pasting of lists of selected files.
  • freemind os x

    Smart Drag'n Drop, including the possibility to copy nodes or copy style of nodes dragging and dropping of multiple selected nodes dropping of texts or list of files from outside.You can move the map by dragging the map's background as well as using mouse wheel. Fast one-click navigation, including folding / unfolding on one click and following links on one click at the same time (you don't have to make choice between fast following of links and fast fold/unfold).From very early versions, Freemind supports folding which is its essential property.Fully functional following of HTML links stored in the nodes, be it www links or links to local files.Á mind map is a diagram that can be used to represent ideas and tasks.

    freemind os x

    #Freemind os x software

    FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping software written in Java.

    Freemind os x